The horrifying moment has come for therapists to conduct intervention lessons online! Trust me, I have my fears, having spent days and nights to think of ways to carry out my lessons virtually while approximating a face-to-face (f2f) session. Thankfully, it all went well and yes, the students and I are getting better at this. A big thanks to supportive parents who helped to print lesson materials for their children and setting up a conducive environment for the session.
Teaching and reading practice!
Card Drill, Sound Drill and Spelling can also be done!
Most anticipated game can also be carried out!
As it is an intervention session, not all children are suitable for online sessions. So who can benefit most from such a setting?
1) Children who are able to use ICT gadgets
2) Children who are self-directed learners to some degree (i.e. parents DO NOT have to sit beside them for the session)
3) Children who have sufficient attention span for extended periods of time
4) Children who have adequate language and spelling ability.
I will discuss with parents on their preference based on their child's learning style. Unfortunately, as some children require more f2f supervision than others, some of my classes have to be put on hold. Let's hope we can resume f2f lessons soon!